What do I need for my bunny?

Supply List


Also Include a litter Box (Cat size not a corner litter box)

Horse Pine Pellets for Litter Box

No Other Bedding (It will confuse your bunny on where to go)

Timothy/orchard grass or Alfalfa Hay if Younger than 7 Months. Get a Bale. Rabbits need UNLIMITED Hay

Basic pellet with no added treats. They are NOT good for your bunny.
No treats from the pet store. Apple Branch sticks or Pine cones are acceptable for wearing down teeth.

Heavy weighted bowl for water and pellets. PLEASE Don't use a water bottle. They will not get enough water out of just it. If you are gone most of the day You can use both a bottle and a bowl.

Exercise Pen not a RABBIT CAGE. Rabbits need more room then a cage can provide. Or You can build a space with C&C grids or out of Untreated wood or even PVC and wire. 

For More info on this please don't hesitate to contact me at 252-397-0767.

Make sure the litter pan is tall lipped so they cant dig out the litter